Friday, June 20, 2014

Week Twenty-five – The Georgian Factor!

Inspiration comes from seeing people love what they do, and when they do it, they do it with Passion!

Dancers from the Nabadi Folk Theatre
 It was a small room, 6 rows of seats and a stage no bigger than your living room. There were more performers than there were audience members, and yet I was deeply moved by an artistic company called the Nabadi Folk Theater, a group of Georgian dancers and musicians bring to live the history of Georgia from Adam and Eve to today, the energy and passion as they danced and performed for a handful of people was electrifying! The previous night I had also been to a similar venue, the Georgian State Pantomime Theatre, a couple of streets away, where I was also witness to one of the most emotional and emotive mime performances I have seen in my life. Again there were more performers than audience members but it made no difference, they drove the passion and art to their captive audience as if we were thousands of people out there, bring tears to some of the audience members as they told the story of St George and the dragon. And what was extraordinary about this experience is not only that these performers were driven by the passion for their art to levels I have not see for a long time, but it didn’t matter where they were or what their performing space looked like, or the fact that there was only a handful of people, they were giving 110% to their art and I was in Georgia, not the one in the US but Eastern Europe!

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog entitled “Armenia has talent” (which you can read here too) and it describes a similar experience to the one I had this week in Georgia. I was privilege to see in Yerevan a group of performers deliver an amazing variety show comparable to any professional production you see in the glitz and glam of the UK/US West End/Broadway shows and far more superior than those pre-fabricated programs such as the X-Factor. So I find myself again writing about talented people and this time with “The Georgian Factor”; it is fantastic to know how much talent you can find in the most unlikely of places. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy as much as everyone else, the elaborate productions in the West End where you can witness some amazing talent too and very creative ideas, backed up by the financial possibilities these companies have, but attending productions like I have this week in theatres no bigger than a two bedroom apartment, remind you of what the performing arts are all about. And perhaps most of us do not spend enough time supporting these amazing companies full of artists who bring to live with their passion and talent incredible experiences beyond any multi-million dollar productions in the big stage. If you are someone who, like me, enjoys a visit to the theatre and occasionally treats yourself to a good West End show, I would encourage you to also look for these hidden gems, these small companies who can move you and inspire you just as much as seeing Mama Mia or Phantom of the Opera. The experience goes beyond the visual element, and their humble surroundings and simple settings bring to life their talent and the magic of theatre. I guess I am fortunate enough that I am also able to experience this in places you wouldn’t imagine finding yourself seeing one of these productions.

As well as being infused by the artistic experience of seeing these two shows, this week I was also reminded of how important it is to be passionate about what you do and who you are. Both performances where very different, one was a Pantomime company representing their story thought movement and rhythm, the other a dance and music assemble telling the history of a country through music and dance, but there was one thing they both had in common; their passion for what they did and the pride of their Culture. Georgia is a nation that is passionate and proud of their heritage, people and history, and although a small country, they are rich in traditions and Culture, as well as a passion for their country. You may argue that this exists everywhere, and that it is not uncommon to find people united by their passion and love for their culture and nation, but trust me when I say that there are few countries I have seen or visited that have “The Georgian Factor”. There is something about their passion, not just for their history and traditions, but also for life. It’s a place where they celebrate everything in life, everything that has made them a grate nation today. The dancers, musicians and performers I saw on stage truly believed and were passionate about the stories they were telling, stories of national pride and great heritage. They believed in what they did not just as a job, but a way of life. The fusion of art and a belief in their country made their performance go further than any experience I’ve had before in a theatre.

And this is something we can all apply in what we do. I have now worked for my company for 23 years, and I truly believe in our company’s culture and heritage. So everything I do, I do it with passion, with conviction and a drive to infuse this belief to others I work with and to those unfamiliar with my company. I also have a passion for my writing, this is my art, and through this I am able to express my desire to share with others my experiences in life. I was asked this week how many people read my blog and my answer was simple; as long as someone out there reads, I will continue to write it. It doesn’t matter if it is to one or one million, I believe in what I do and my passion drives me to continue to put thoughts to words.

I encourage all of you out there to live your life with passion, with conviction and share this with those around you. Share your passion for life because for me the word passion means “pass it on” phonetically written (pas-si-on) - sharing with people what you believe in and drives you to do what you do with excellence. In anything you do, whether you are a performer in a small theatre sharing the history of your country or working in a company delivering great business results and customer satisfaction, remember greatness does not come from altitude but from attitude!

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