As I writer I use words to express what I feel and see, what is in my
head and in my heart. When I write, I always think twice about what I want to say
or mention and the art of editing your work is very important to make sure you
are happy with what you publish. I
have several times thought twice about publishing something, mainly because I
think of the consequences and what it may lead onto, and if I don’t publish
something is not because I am scared to, but because I don’t feel it’s
important enough to do it and the adverse effects are greater than the rewards
of the piece.
The events this week in Paris shows the consequences of what can happen
when people exercise their human right of expressing their views, especially
with a controversial publication such as Charlie Hebdo; you can upset people. But
that basic right to freedom of speech in our societies should not be oppressed
by anyone and there is no logical explanation for any individuals to take another’s
persons lives for expressing what they think. The publishers, writers and
cartoonist at the Charlie Hebdo Magazine believed in what they did; they
believed that through their art and satire they were expressing the views and
opinions of many, particularly those who subscribed to their publication. The
barbarian act of terrorism that took place should not be allowed and we need to
demonstrate to the world that people can still express themselves freely
without fear of being intimidated or harmed by those who cannot accept
criticism and opinions of others.
And if we bring this closer to our lives, we don’t need to be writers or
cartoonist in a controversial publication to be the victims of oppression in
our lives. We are all subject to people’s radical mentalities and when we
attempt to express ourselves freely with an opposing view or argument, we may
find holding back for fear of retaliation. Or if we do speak our minds, we may become
the victims of an attack. Let me share with you some examples that may
illustrate what I mean:
If you have a relationship with someone who has a particularly stronger
character than yours it becomes harder to express your opinion or ideas without
them pushing their views onto you or getting upset at the thought or suggestion
of something they don’t agree with.
Or it may be the opposite, you are the dominant side and no one dares to
say anything in front of you because you fly off the handle! Here we have
killed freedom of speech; people are frightened to express what they think
because of the way someone may react.
How often do we hold back our views and opinions in a conversation to
avoid offending someone? Or we don’t hold back and then pay the consequences? I
understand there is a place and a time for everything and there is no room for
offensive remarks or racist/sexist comments, but there are so many
controversial and taboo subjects we don’t talk about just because people can
react wrongly, so we avoid them. If we genuinely have an opinion about
something, we should have the right to express this opinion. People don’t have
to like it or agree, but it is our opinion and we should be able to share it.
And when we hold back on those views or opinions it may be because we feel it’s
not worth it and we drop the subject. However if you feel passionate about
something, you should be able to speak freely without fear of how someone may
I may not be the most controversial writer in the world and often my
work is expressing feelings and ideas that don’t offend people. I sometimes
write scripts that are thought provoking and blogs that may make you think, I try
to be politically correct and aware of what I say. But no one, no matter how
controversial it may be, should ever be stopped from expressing what he or she
believes because someone feels they have the power to silence you. If someone disagrees
with something someone said, or they feel they have offended them, as rational
human beings we have the power that animals don’t have; “choice”! You have two choices, you can choose to ignore
their views and move on or you can choose to talk to them and debate the
subject allowing both of you to express yourselves in a civilised manner.
Debate is not about reaching agreement; it’s about allowing people that basic
right to be heard, the right to freedom of speech.
I want to live in a world where we can all have freedom, and not just
physical freedom, but be free to think and express ourselves. If I were not
allowed to put on paper my thoughts and feelings, my head would explode!
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