Life is all about G’s & T’s… and I’m not talking about Gin and Tonic! But Goals and Targets!!!
As I began to think about what to write this week, several thoughts came
into my head. I’ve had a busy last few days in Istanbul doing what we call in
my company Business Planning. I was cupped up in a room without natural light
for 10 hours every day reviewing Business Plans that contain a whole lot of
numbers! So I didn’t get a chance to see much more than that and had limited
ideas or inspiration this week. I though I could write about Istanbul where I
was, it is a great and busy city. I also lost my wallet on the last night,
which was a pain in the backside and a horrible feeling, so I could tell you
about it. I even thought writing about food as on the last night I attended a
great event/competition where participants were asked to prepare a meal with
ingredients they were given 4 hours before. Actually I had plenty of subjects
to write about but none of them really grabbed me.
I was struggling and began to think why I write my blog and what I am trying
to achieve with it. I know some of you enjoy the subjects that you are able to
relate to and identify with. Writing about Istanbul or the event I attended
would be great if this was a travel or food blog; my blog is much more than
that. But what could I write about? All I done this week was talk to people
about their Business Plans, eat a lot and run! I had also met a colleague who
like me, had lost several kilos in his quest to become fit which reminded me on
the importance of staying focused.
On my way back to London my flight was delayed for over an hour due to
fog and we were all trapped in the plane on the runway trying to kill time. I
looked at my phone and began to open randomly various apps looking for
something to amuse myself with. I looked at my running up and it suddenly
dawned on me that I’ve been training intensely for 12 weeks for my half
marathon this Sunday. Moreover I have achieved over 500 kilometres along the
way. “What an achievement” I thought as I scrolled down the weeks reviewing
each run and seeing how much I had achieved vs. the target. In most runs I had
done one or two kilometres more than what the app had recommended.
The delayed flight continued and searching for something else interesting
to do I took out my passport and began looking through it and the many stamps
and visas I have form all my travels. It’s amazing what you can learn when you
are board! I read the small printing in the passport’s first two pages only to
realise that a passport becomes invalid if you run out of pages, which mine is
about to! “Good job too” I thought as I should really change it, the picture on
it is of “my fat brother”! I obtained this passport when I began to travel in
2007 and I was somewhat larger and unfit!
In my last attempt to pass by the last few minutes before taking off I
started to look at my notes from the week. In there I made a remark to prepared
a workshop on SMART Goals and Targets. Part of the Business Planning process is
to write goals and targets to help you achieve your numbers. During the meetings
this week I had come to realise I need to help people to write SMARTer Goals
and Targets to help them achieve their Business Plans; it’s all about the G’s
& T’s.
And as I looked at the note finally the pilot announced we were ready to
take off. “Thank God for that” I thought and put my phone away sitting back and
buckling up, ready to take off to the skies! If you’ve been on a plane you will
know that take-off and landing is the time when most people sit doing nothing,
usually either with their eyes closed or looking blankly into space with your
mouth half open! I am no exception and as I did, three things flashed in front
of me; running over 500k and my first half marathon, my “fat brother” passport
photo and loosing 20k, and how important is to have SMART Goals and Targets to
achieve your numbers. Slowly these three things began to intertwine in front of
me, eventually becoming one and as we reached 30,000 feet and the seatbelt sign
went off with a ping I knew what I had to write about this week… and it was not
a Travellers Guide to Istanbul!
Everything is possible in this life, and nothing is unreachable, but to
get there, to achieve it, you need to have a goal, you need to have a target.
There has to be a focus, something that will guide you and remind you where you
want to get to. Nothing is ever that easy or simple and achievements always
come with pain and hard work, but the rewards are immense. Loosing weight is
hard, it requires discipline and a strong will but it can be done. What’s harder
though it’s maintaining it, and that’s why your goals and targets never end.
When I had lost 10 kilos I could have stopped there but I wanted to feel and
look better. I knew I had to exercise. A new goal was born and started to run
managing to lose further 10 kilos. I could have stopped there too but I knew I
needed to carry on; I needed a new goal/target, something to focus on. Entering
a half marathon was going to teach me mental and self-discipline; I was already
fit. It’s like writing a weekly blog; it has been a personal challenge to see
if I can sustain writing every week, I already know I have a passion for
40 hours in a room without light was the biggest lesson for me this week
as I came to realise that the numbers on those Business Plans will only work
when they have Goals and Targets behind them. I now realise that everything we
do in life has to have Goals and Targets to help us stay focused and achieve
what we want. Take time this week as you reflect on this subject and write down
some of your goals and targets, what do you want to achieve, where do you want
to go; and believe me you will get there!
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