I have always been fascinated by human behaviour (I wish I had been a
bit more focused at school and I could have become a psychologist) but instead
I became an actor, which, to some extends, studies human behaviour. And
throughout my life I have always found interesting observing how people react
in certain situations. This is particularly interesting in some places such as
airplanes, trains and buses, I guess in any confined space where you have to
share your personal space with others.
I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel extensively
over the last 8 years and this has allowed me to see and experience some of
this “radical” behaviour us humans display in these confined spaces. These
experiences have been the subject of many of my blogs and scripts as I have
seen some things often beyond believe and you know you have to put that in a
But this week I’ve been exposed to an “ugly” side of us humans I had
never seen before. And I guess I had never witnessed it because like every
other human, I also have this “ugly” face. And what I experienced this week
made me realised how egocentric we all are and how these confined and crowded
places make our behaviour change.
Two weeks ago I had a knee surgery and I was asked to rest for two week
from my hectic travel. So I have been confined to the safety of my house with a
sore leg and trying to get back to normal. I have always been a fairly active
person so I have been dying to get back to work. On Thursday I had to go to
London and I was looking forward to getting out and about. Still with one
crutch in hand, I set off from my hometown to London looking forward to be back
on my own two feet.
I arrived very early that morning and I decided to take the tube to
work. I was determined not to feel
sorry for myself and just go slow and get there. That morning was fine, not too
many people and I managed to get to my destination feeling quite accomplished
and ready for my day. I guess part of the recovery process is to believe you
can do things and it makes you feel good. As it had been such as success I
thought I repeat the same on my way back and take the underground again… I
guess I was wrong!
I do not want to pretend to know how a person with a disability must
feel, I could never do that, but having a recently operated knee and limited
mobility with the aid of a crutch, I never expected to encounter what I did
that Thursday afternoon in the underground. I truly came face to face for the
first time in my life with the “ugly” side of us human beings cutely aware of
it by my temporary disability.
It was rush hour and there were, as usual, thousands of people trying to
get home. And everyone has to get somewhere and everyone has their own agenda,
I know, I’ve been there. And must of the time people are rushing to get the
next train or bus and time is of the essence to make sure you make that
departure time. And then those who
are not in a rush have their music on and close themselves in their own world,
not paying attention to anything or anyone around them. I was trying to get
home too, I also had my own schedule, I had left the office well in advance, as
I knew it was going to take longer.
But as soon as I hit the station I began to experience this “ugly” face
of human beings, wrapped in their own world and not caring for anyone else
around them. Let me walk you though some of the things I experienced.
barrier, people push themselves to get through these as fast as they can, I had
a crutch, my bag and my sore knee, I was slow getting through the barrier. I
nearly got pushed to one side by a woman who clearly didn’t care I was
struggling to get through this narrow space before the door would shut on my
escalators, people want to run down and will push their way through those who
chose to stand still, I was trying to jump onto the moving step when someone
brushed passed me, pushed my bag out of the way and almost made me lose my
balance as I step onto the moving escalator!
I had to
wait for three trains before I was able to board, it was crowded, and most
people push themselves forward and squish themselves before the doors close.
It’s hard to do this with a crutch, a bag and a sore knee! Eventually someone
made a space big enough for me to be able to get on the train otherwise I think
I still be there!
off the train! That was interesting! I had my back to the door and when it
opened, I did not fall backward because there is a god out there! I had to turn
around, slowly and then slowly get off the train. Well a sea of people behind
me push and if it hadn’t been for the person who made the space for me I think
I would have been flat on my arse!
But the
“ugliest” of all was a man I encounter going up a staircase, he takes the
“ugliest” face of humans award! On the last leg (pardon the expression) of my
journey there is a set of stairs you need to claim to get to the platform where
I change trains. This staircase is usually crowded in one direction where
everyone is going, with the exception of a few (4 or 5 people) who are
travelling the opposite way. These 4 or 5 individuals usually take the side and
try and make their way down pushing their way through hundreds coming the
opposite way. It makes sense, no doubt, that they stick to the rail as they try
to come down the steps. It only make sense until you meet someone coming the
opposite direction with the hundreds of people holding onto the rail because he
has a crutch on the other hand and is clearly struggling to get up the stairs.
I was already exasperated by all the previous encounters and being pushed as I
was not claiming the stairs fast enough when I came literally face to face with
this ugly human being! He said to me “excuse me” and I looked at him and said,
“I can’t move!”. He then looked at me and at this point you’d think he would
have realised my predicament, so he said, “I need to get down” I paused and I
thought is he serious? I looked at him and then he said again “excuse me!” so I
slowly moved to one side letting go of the rail and feeling just a little bit nervous.
He walked down and I then moved back and held onto the rail but of course not
before two or three others pushed passed me seeing a gap and an opportunity to
rush! I stopped, shocked more than anything, when I heard a person saying “are
you ok? Do you need some help?” I thank them and said no and I carried on my
epic journey to the coach station to get back to the safety of my home!
This experience made me realised how selfish we can be, I knew we were
but not to that extent, and how these environments bring the worst in us. And I
say us because I’ve been there; I am one of those commuters pushing my way
through to catch the train. I am also ashamed that it has taken this experience
for me to realised this “ugly’ behaviour we display every day, that it has
taken for me to be in a situation many people are in permanently to realised
how hard it is for them.
As a writer it has given me the ability to see another side of humans I
can now relate to. As a human it has made me more aware of everything around
me. I hope this blog can help all
of us to realise that we should be aware of our surroundings and know there are
people out there who may need our help also get somewhere.