If you are one of those people who likes to plan your day or week and stick to your plan… this blog will make you uncomfortable!
The ever chaining London! a view from my plane this week! |
But I guess that if
you want to stay ahead of the game and live your life a little easier, you have
to accept that change is inevitable and you have to adapt or risk loosing
control. And what prompted me to write this week’s blog on this subject were
the simulations changes that were happening in my life within the space of a
few hours.
This is how it all began;
my workweek was all planned and I was to be in two different countries having
to travel back and forth through Heathrow on Wednesday. During my first visit
suddenly I found out I had to stay longer and need to change my plans. At first
this seemed easy enough, and I went ahead and started the “chain reaction” to
this change! By having to stay longer in my first destination I needed to find
someone to replace me at the next place I was visiting, and before I could
change my flights I need to confirm this (there was also the possibility I may
need to somehow squeeze it all in!). Unfortunately time was of the essence and
I was relaying on getting someone to substitute me in order to change the
flights. I think you can see where I’m going with this. Then there was also the
matter of the second flight, to cancel it would mean to loose the money so it
would be best to re-schedule the flight for a later visit, this meant to get
agreement from the people at the destination I was going as well as looking at
who was to replace me and at the same time having to change the current flights
(two different airlines) before the re-booking window was over! Now if reading
this has not stressed you out yet, I’m not sure what else would! At the same
time, back at home, we have a room we rent and my wife had call me saying that
the agency was sending a student on that day! She was at work, I was away and
he was arriving at 5pm! We needed to print some documents for the lodger, which
I had in my computer, and I had to find them, send to her so she could print
them. When I finally located them, I sent and guess what? She could not print
them! So now I’m trying to do a “Remote Desk Help Support” role to print these
documents, change my flights, find a substitute and get agreement for a future
visit dates! Not forgetting that I am still working and trying to remember if I
forgot anything with this change! Actually I did forget, I had a conference
call, which I was meant to take in my new destination and I almost forgot to
attend! It’s amazing how a really well planned week all of the sudden is up
side down and looks nothing like what you thought it would be! But like
everything in life, and referring back to week six where we talked about
laughing, that’s what you have to do, laugh at the face of change and adapt,
deal with it and move on!
When you reflect on
this, although not overly complicated, the events of this week were a reminder
of how difficult any type of change is. Of course change is going to happen,
it’s like the morning sun, you know it will come (even if it is behind think
clouds like in England! It’s there) the challenge we face is that we don’t know
when it will hit us and we need to be ready for it.
If any of you have
attended any seminars or classes on change management would be familiar with
this subject, what its important to remember is that no matter how much we know
about change, its never easy. What helps us is not to sit comfortably and think
that change won’t happen, especially for those who don’t like change. If you
don’t prepare and accept it, you will end up like the analogy of the boiled
frog; If you put a frog in water and gradually heat it up, the frog is so
comfortable that it does not realise that the temperature is changing, and will
not react, it will not jump out and when it knows the heat is too
uncomfortable, it’s too late to get out and eventually it will get cooked! The
frog knew something was up but it did not react to it. This is gradual change
and as things happened the frog did not deal with it and that was it! Nice frog
legs for dinner. (I want to assure you that no animal was hurt sharing this
analogy J)
This week’s experience
was perhaps like being dropped in boiling water rather than heating it up; I
had to react to it. But there are many changes happening in our lives every
day, which we must identify and adapt quickly. A good example of this is technology,
this is of course the biggest constant change in our lives and those who don’t
like it tend to avoid it and sit like the frog, thinking it will not get to
boiling point and cook us! But believe me when I tell you that it will. There
are many other examples, all of which tells us that adaptability is the name of
the game, it is what will keep us afloat and see us through life, making sure
we don’t get cooked!
Think of some of the
changes you have gone through? Think of situations you where dropped into the
boiling water, how did you react? Are you one of those people who likes to have
it all planed and changes bother you? Or are you, like me, a person who thrives
with change, even though it can be stressful but enjoy the challenge of having
to adapt to what life has thrown my way.
Either way, you have
to deal with it! Remember change is inevitable and it will come, it will be
facing you every day, from having to change your plans because someone let you
down to adapting to new ways of living in this constant and ever chaining